Monday, August 31, 2009

Great First Game!!

Great game boys! I was really impressed with how well everyone played. Parents make sure to tell your kids how well they did. For a bunch of kids thrown together this summer they're doing great. Considering our average height was at least a good foot less than the other team we did awesome.

Please notice the calendar at the bottom of the page. No practice on Sat Sept 5or Mon Sept 7 because of Labor Day weekend. But we will have practice on Wednesday Sept 9, and I'm adding a Friday practice on Sept 11 to get us ready after the holiday weekend for our game on Sept 12.

See you on Wednesday at practice!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Game!!

I hope everyone is excited for our first game on Monday!!

Location: Bennion Jr. High, 6055 S 2700 W, Kearns, UT, 84118 (map)
Time: Game starts at 5:30 pm, but I want everyone there at 5:00pm (30 min early) to warm up.
Uniform: Wear your white uniform, but make sure to bring your red jersey in case we have to change.
Opponent: Utah Rush 98 Tiempo

Remember traffic to that area at that time of day can be terrible, plan accordingly.

Preparation: Make sure you have plenty of fluids during the day, eat a good lunch, and a good healthy energy providing snack after school so your body will have the energy it needs for the game. Don't eat too much or drink too much right before the game to avoid side aches or cramps.
If anyone needs help getting their child to the game please give me a call on Sunday or early Monday so that we can make arrangements. With our limited numbers it's critical that we get everyone to every game.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Team Captains

Congratulations to our 2 new team captains, Zach and Giovanni! We voted at practice on Saturday. We look forward to you guys being leaders on our team. (First game 8 days away!)

Monday, August 17, 2009

2009 Fall Schedule is posted

Our Game Schedule is now available on the UYSA website (see link to right). I've also added it to the team calendar below. Our first game is Monday Aug 31!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Practice Games!

We've arranged to play a Razzia U-13 team during our practice on the next 2 Wednesday practices. Please do everything you can to be there ... we need everyone there so we can play a full 11 v 11. (see updated Calendar below)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Great Practices!!

I want to thank everyone (parents and players) for their extra effort this past week with practices!! It makes a HUGE difference when we have everyone there. Today we had everyone at practice for the first time this summer with 14 players!! Thanks again and we'll see you all on Wednesday!